At the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, students work with multiple advisors to plan how to achieve their academic interests and goals. New first-year students are assigned a first-year advisor, and all students are assigned a major advisor when they declare a major. General and major advisors are experts in different aspects of students' academic options.
Who Is My Advisor?
Find your assigned advisor by signing in to On the right side of that page, you will see "Academic Adviser Code" with a link to your advisor's contact information.
For academic questions beyond your major requirements, you are encouraged to see a general advisor in the Office of Academic Programs at Martin Hall.

Major Advisors
See your major advisor to discuss all aspects of the major program. Major advising topics might include:
- Progress to graduation in the major
- Choosing electives in the major
- Course sequences
- Experiential Learning opportunities
- Special programs, research, internships
- Career options and graduate programs

General Advisors
See a general advisor in the Office of Academic Programs in Martin Hall to discuss all broad aspects of your degree and academic progress. General advising topics might include:
- Choosing a major
- Declaring/changing major or graduation date
- Discussing double majors, minors, and certificates
- Progress to graduation in the Core Curriculum, credits, and GPA
- Resources for academic support or academic difficulty
- Discussing co-curricular programs like internships and study abroad
- Career options and graduate programs
For general advising, call 848-932-3000 to schedule an appointment. An advising appointment is a one-on-one advising conversation about all aspects of academic planning. A scheduled appointment provides the advisor time to review the student's transcript and Degree Navigator and provides the student time to formulate questions and ideas to discuss with the advisor. Plan to make a list of questions to ask the advisor.