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Pass/No Credit Course Application

The SEBS Pass/No Credit (P/NC) policy is a special option for advanced students.

Students with 60 or more credits may designate two courses as Pass/No Credit courses (not including P/NC grading offered to all students in the Spring 2020, Fall 2021 and Spring 2021 semesters). The two courses cannot be taken in the same semester and must be for unspecified Elective Credits only (not courses that will fill any type of requirement including SEBS Core, major requirements, and minor/certificate requirements).

Grades of A, B, and C correspond to Pass; grades of D and F to No Credit. If a Pass grade is received, the credits will count toward your 120-credit (or 128-credit if following the Fall 2015 Core) requirement for graduation.  The grade will not be listed on your transcripts but will show up as Pass or No Credit.  The course will not be used in any GPA calculations.

Once you have submitted the form to make a course P/NC grading, we will review and confirm that it is eligible.

Criteria for Pass/No Credit

  • Only free elective courses may be taken on a pass/no credit basis. You may not select this option for a course being used to satisfy your major, minor, core curriculum goal, or other graduation credential. Courses that could potentially satisfy an unfulfilled requirement may not be taken pass/no credit.

  • Courses through Study Abroad may not be taken on a pass/no credit basis.

  • Honors seminars and department-based honors courses and honors sections of courses may not be taken on a pass/no credit basis.

  • The pass/no credit option may be applied to only one course in a semester. This option may be used 2 times.

  • Deadlines are binding. The pass/no credit option may not be rescinded once the deadline has passed.

  • The course must be in the designated semester of application.

Deciding if Pass/No Credit Is Right for You

A grade of B (or better) looks better on a transcript than a PASS since that could mean the student received a C or C+. If the Pass will keep you on the Dean's List or make you graduate with highest honors as opposed to high honors for example, then the PASS grade is a good idea. Otherwise, let the letter grade stand. The registration system makes the appropriate conversion.

Deadlines for Submission

  • Fall semester: October 21

  • Spring semester: February 21

  • Winter session courses may not be taken on a pass/no credit basis

Application for Pass/No Credit is only available during application period:

SEBS Pass/No Credit Application

If you have any questions, stop by Academic Programs at Martin Hall, Room 109 or use the SEBS online chat.