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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Bylaws of the Faculty of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences


The School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (the school) is a professional unit of Rutgers University whose origins date to the designation of Rutgers College in 1864 as the land-grant college in New Jersey and the creation of the Rutgers Scientific School in that year. Located on the George H. Cook Campus in New Brunswick, New Jersey, the School was designated as the State University of New Jersey in 1917 and renamed the College of Agriculture in 1921, the College of Agriculture and Environmental Science in 1965, Cook College in 1973, and, following the reorganization of Rutgers' academic units in 2006, the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences.

The School's mission is to pursue excellence in research, teaching, and outreach in the sciences from microscopic to global scales as well as their social and human dimensions.

These bylaws establish the structures and procedures for governance of the School and the means to provide advice and consent to the School's Executive Dean and administration. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between these bylaws and the regulations governing Rutgers University, the University regulations shall prevail.


  1. Membership
    1. By virtue of their offices, The President, the New Brunswick Chancellor, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Senior Vice President for Research and Economic Development, and the Dean of the Graduate School-New Brunswick.
    2. The Executive Dean of the School, hereinafter referred to as the Executive Dean, other deans and directors, associate deans and associate directors, assistant deans, assistant to dean and academic directors of the School.
    3. Members of the School faculty at the rank or equivalent rank of Distinguished Professor, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, including extension, research and teaching faculty, members on leave, librarians of equivalent rank and other full-time non-tenure track faculty who have served at least one year.
    4. Faculty members holding University appointments outside the School but whose tenure is in the School.
    5. Other faculty, including but not limited to visiting and adjunct faculty members, may be granted membership in the School faculty upon the recommendation of one School department to the Executive Dean. The Executive Dean shall approve or disapprove membership recommendations, which must show substantial participation by the recommended faculty member in the recommending department. The department shall also recommend a term of service, e.g., one-year, three-year, or indefinite terms. Each department, in its bylaws, shall specify the criteria and procedures for making such recommendations to the Executive Dean.
    6. Officers of the University and representatives of other schools who are invited by the Executive Dean.
  2. Voting
    1. Voting members of the faculty shall be those members listed in II.A. whose appointment is in the School.
    2. Tenure-eligible voting members of this faculty are automatically voting members of the School department that processes their personnel actions. Additional department members may vote as provided in section III.D.2.f.
  3. Officers
    1. The Executive Dean or designee shall chair as Presiding Officer at all faculty meetings unless the University President or designee attends and chairs.
    2. A Secretary shall be elected by the faculty for a three-year term. The Secretary's responsibilities shall be:
      1. to record minutes of the School faculty meetings,
      2. to implement Robert's Rules of Order as needed,
      3. to conduct the elections for positions for faculty committees, the University Senate, and the New Brunswick Faculty Council, for faculty representatives to the SEBS Governing Council, for nominees for Department Chair, and for the Secretary's successor, and
      4. for each standing committee, to name a committee member to act as convener with the announcement of election results.
  4. Meetings
    1. Regular meetings shall be scheduled and announced by the Executive Dean during the first week of the academic year, arranged so the meetings do not fall on the same day of the week in any academic semester. Meetings may be subsequently cancelled, but at least one regular meeting must be held each semester. An agenda shall be prepared and circulated by the Secretary seven days prior to each meeting, after consultation with the Executive Dean and committee chairs.
    2. Special meetings may be held at the call of the Executive Dean or the University President and also shall be held upon written request to the Executive Dean by at least 10 percent of the voting membership for the current academic year. Unless the Executive Dean proclaims the existence of an emergency, such special meetings shall not be convened until a period of at least 72 hours has elapsed from the time that the call was issued. Resolutions and supporting data for consideration at the special meeting shall be transmitted to the members of the faculty as expeditiously as possible in advance of the meeting date. The agenda of the meeting shall be limited to such resolutions.
    3. A quorum shall consist of 10 percent of the voting members of the faculty for the current academic year as defined annually on September 1st. Voting shall be by simple majority except as otherwise specified in these bylaws.
    4. The latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern, except as modified in these bylaws. Under normal circumstances, a speaker shall be limited to three minutes on each question. An additional minute per person may be allowed for rebuttal.
    5. All resolutions, motions, and reports that will commit the faculty to any policy position must be submitted to the Secretary in sufficient time that a copy can be made available to each member of the faculty no later than seven calendar days before the meeting at which action is contemplated. Motions or resolutions normally shall be referred for consideration to a standing or ad hoc committee. Committees shall report as expeditiously as possible, or, where necessary, a specific reporting date may be established by action of the faculty.
    6. All other motions or resolutions that have not been circulated at least seven calendar days prior to the meeting may be put on the floor and debated, by vote of two-thirds of the voting members present, and will require a two-thirds majority for adoption. A ballot, to be submitted to all eligible voting members of the faculty, may be ordered on any question, before the final vote shall be taken, at the request of the majority of the voting members present. A motion requesting a ballot shall take precedence over a call for question. A motion to reconsider shall not be applicable to votes taken by electronic or mail ballot.
    7. The Secretary shall invite the leadership of the SEBS Student Council to attend faculty meetings.
    8. Meetings of the faculty shall normally be open to the public. Members of the faculty may at any time, however, by majority vote move to close a meeting to the public. The Presiding Officer shall be responsible for the decorum of the meeting.
  5. Grievances

    Grievance procedures are set forth in the University's Collective Negotiations Agreement with American Association of University Professors - American Federation of Teachers (AAUP-AFT). Individual faculty are encouraged to consult with the Union concerning potential grievance matters and/or their rights under the Collective Agreement.


  1. Departments and Administrative Units
    1. Departments
      Departments are the basic administrative units of the School and, unless otherwise designated, must consist of at least three tenured faculty members with the rank of Associate Professor, Professor, or Distinguished Professor.
      The faculty is organized into departments along discipline or functional lines by the Executive Dean, and departments may have several interrelated areas of subprograms. A department is responsible for the development, maintenance, and assessment of undergraduate, non-degree, and graduate teaching, basic and applied research, and outreach that meets the needs of students and the people of the State. A current list of School departments may be obtained from the Office of the Executive Dean.
    2. Administrative units, Centers, and Institutes
      Administrative units, centers, and institutes are special purpose groups with a specific theme or function. They may be composed of personnel from various departments and are oriented primarily toward research, outreach, and service activities. This definition shall include special purpose groups now in existence or created in the future. A list of current administrative units, centers, and institutes may be obtained from the Office of the Executive Dean.
    3. Academic units, administrative units, centers, and institutes may be established, authorized to function, and dissolved in accordance with university policy.
  2. Departmental Voting
    1. Personnel Matters
      Department members have voting rights in personnel matters (reappointment, promotion, tenure, dismissal, salary improvement, and similar actions) based on appointment, rank, line support, and degree of participation.
      1. Those members eligible to vote in personnel matters include all members of the School on tenure-eligible lines for which the department holds more than 50 percent of their line support or that processes their personnel actions.
      2. Each faculty member so eligible to vote on matters of personnel shall do so in only one academic unit with the exceptions of SEBS faculty invited by the Executive Dean to vote on the promotion of a faculty member of a department with fewer than three professors of the appropriate rank.
    2. Nomination of Department Chair
      Those department members eligible to vote for nomination of Department Chair include all faculty eligible to vote on matters of personnel. In addition, if provided for in the bylaws of a given department, all members on annual or other non-tenure track appointments who hold the rank of Teaching Instructor, Research Associate, Instructor of Professional Practice or higher in the department and who have completed a year of service may also vote for nomination of the Chair.
    3. Other Departmental Matters
      Voting rights on issues not concerning personnel or nomination of Department Chair shall be extended to all full-time (tenure-eligible or not) as well as part-time members of a given department as provided for in the bylaws of a given department, such approval being based on substantial involvement of the faculty member in that department.
  3. Personnel Actions
    1. In the case of split appointments for tenure-eligible faculty, personnel actions on faculty members will be initiated and carried out by the department holding the majority portion of the line. The department(s) holding the minority portion(s) of the line shall conduct a separate review prior to the primary department evaluation and shall communicate those results to the primary department in a timely manner.
    2. For non-tenure track faculty, personnel actions will be initiated and carried out by the department in which their appointment is held.
    3. All tenure-eligible faculty members of a department shall be consulted on all new tenure-eligible appointments to that department, including joint hires, and on the transfer of tenure-eligible faculty from other academic units. Each department shall develop a procedure, involving all tenure-eligible members, to provide advice, in writing, to the Executive Dean prior to the appointment of tenure-eligible faculty members to department membership.
  4. Department Bylaws
    1. Each department shall adopt a set of bylaws that will be voted upon by the faculty members eligible to nominate for Department Chair. The department bylaws shall be in accordance with University regulations and the School bylaws.
    2. Department bylaws, at a minimum, shall include provision for the following matters:
      1. Procedures for adding voting and/or non-voting members to the department, in addition to those specified in these bylaws.
      2. A schedule of regular departmental meetings with a minimum of one meeting each six months.
      3. Detailed procedure for the convening of a departmental meeting and a definition of quorum.
      4. Detailed procedure for making recommendations concerning appointments, reappointments, promotions, non-reappointments, and dismissals.
      5. A specific procedure to nominate search committee members to the Executive Dean.
      6. The eligibility to vote for Department Chair of non-tenure track faculty as well as tenure-track faculty with discipline, split, or minority appointments in that department as per III.B.
      7. A provision that permits the Chair to appoint an acting chair in the event of short-term absences (less than six months).
      8. Procedures to be used by the department for recommending faculty members of other divisions of the University for voting or non-voting membership in the School faculty as per II.A.5. and II.B.
    3. A copy of the bylaws as adopted and/or amended by the department shall be forwarded to the Structure and Governance Committee, which will review them for compliance with the bylaws of the School. Upon approval by the Structure and Governance Committee, a copy will be filed with the Secretary of the Faculty and the Executive Dean.
    4. All subsequent amendments shall be forwarded by the department to the Structure and Governance Committee for review prior to adoption. Approved and amended bylaws will be forwarded to the Secretary of the Faculty and the Executive Dean.
  5. Department Chair
    1. There shall be a chair for each department of the School, appointed by the Executive Dean upon recommendation by the department faculty.
    2. Only a voting member of the department who is a Distinguished Professor, Professor, or Associate Professor (or equivalent rank), with tenure, is eligible to serve as chair. External candidates for chair of a department must become a member of that department prior to assuming the position of chair.
    3. Nomination and Selection
      1. Whenever a department includes at least three tenured members with the rank or equivalent rank of Associate Professor, Professor, or Distinguished Professor, faculty members in that department on tenure-eligible lines as described in III.B.2. or faculty granted such privileges in the department bylaws as described in III.D.2.f shall by ballot, conducted by the Secretary of the Faculty, recommend to the Executive Dean one of the eligible persons for appointment as department chair when a vacancy shall occur through expiration of term or otherwise.
      2. Two months prior to the expiration of a chair's term or, in the case of an out-of-term vacancy upon request of the Executive Dean, the Secretary of the Faculty shall conduct a ballot for nomination of chair. The Secretary shall notify all qualified department faculty members of their eligibility to serve as chair. This notification will include a list of all department faculty members eligible to serve as chair and a request that nominations be sent to the Secretary of the Faculty by a specific date. All eligible department faculty members who are nominated and agree to serve will be considered candidates and included on the ballot.
      3. Vote tallies of the secret ballot are confidential and advisory to the Executive Dean. The name of the candidate with the majority of votes is made public. In the case of a tie, the names of the candidates with the most votes are made public.
      4. In the case of the temporary absence of a chair, the Executive Dean may appoint, without balloting, an interim chair who is a member of the School for a period not to exceed six months. If it is necessary to appoint an interim chair for a period longer than six months, the department shall recommend to the Executive Dean a person to serve in this capacity according to the procedure for the nomination of a chair.
      5. In the event of short-term absences, the Department Chair may appoint an acting chair for administrative purposes. This process shall be reflected in the department bylaws.
      6. The chair of the Structure and Governance Committee shall conduct the election for nomination and selection of chair for the department in which the Secretary of the Faculty resides.
    4. Where an outside search for a department chair is conducted, the majority of the search committee membership shall be from that department. The recommendation by the search committee, after consultation with faculty of the department, will replace the vote by the department.
    5. Term of Office shall be up to three years at the discretion of the Executive Dean. A chair may serve successive terms upon recommendation of the department faculty according to the nomination and selection process in III.E.3. and subsequent appointment by the Executive Dean. The Dean may remove a chair before the expiration of term based on substantial evidence of non performance.
    6. The Department Chair shall have administrative responsibility for the overall program of the department according to the provisions and the regulations governing Rutgers University and departmental bylaws. General responsibilities include:
      1. To plan with the members of the department a progressive program for the department.
      2. To evaluate the instruction, research, outreach, and administrative processes of the department, and to make appropriate recommendations to the Executive Dean.
      3. To conduct post-tenure review of tenured members of the department, to annually evaluate untenured members, and to report these evaluations as required by the regulations governing Rutgers University.
      4. To recommend appointments, reappointments, promotions, non-reappointment, and dismissals, in consultation with the tenured members of the department.
      5. To see that adequate supervision, advice, and training are afforded to new members of the department and to other members who might profit thereby.
      6. In general, to promote the effectiveness of the department, School, and University by every appropriate means.
    7. Responsibilities of the Chair in the Teaching Program:
      1. In consultation with the appropriate Undergraduate Program Director, to be responsible for the general supervision of all courses which fall under the subject index numbers assigned to the department by the Academic Programs and Research Office.
      2. To have primary responsibility for decisions on which courses should be offered and by whom they should be taught, with the concurrence of the Undergraduate Program Director and of the Graduate Program Director when necessary.
      3. To initiate any budget requests or proposals relating to the undergraduate and graduate teaching programs, including below-the-line budget items needed to support courses falling under the department's subject index number(s), and to submit them to the appropriate office.
      4. To initiate corrections and additions to the Schedule of Classes and submit them to the Undergraduate and Graduate Program Directors.
      5. To ensure that class rosters and registration printouts are distributed to the appropriate faculty members in the department.
      6. To take responsibility for all assessment aspects of the undergraduate program(s) administered by the department.
      7. To coordinate peer review of instruction in the department.
  6. Recruitment
    1. Faculty
      1. Generally, the Department Chair, in consultation with those who have direct interest in the position, shall prepare a job description and the Faculty Recruitment Form (FRF). The department shall nominate to the Executive Dean suggested faculty members for a search committee. The Executive Dean appoints the Search Committee, normally of faculty members nominated by the department, but may also appoint other appropriate persons to a number less than the number of department members appointed. The Search Committee shall have an odd number of members. The Department Chair shall not be the chair of the Search Committee, unless specifically named by the Executive Dean.
      2. When a Cooperative Extension position is appropriately associated with a discipline department, that discipline department shall be represented on the Search Committee by at least one member.
      3. Each Search Committee shall appoint a diversity advocate to proactively ensure a strong, diverse applicant pool for each faculty vacancy. The diversity advocate shall consult University policy and personnel responsible for diversity.
      4. The chair of each Search Committee, with the assistance of the diversity advocate, shall submit a Search Plan to the Office of the Executive Dean that will include a description of the applicant pool; UPF-1 forms; and other pertinent data for review prior to the conclusion of the search.
    2. Executive Dean
      In the event of a vacancy in the position of Executive Dean, the University President shall appoint an Acting Executive Dean. An Executive Dean Search Committee will be selected by the appropriate groups as follows:
      1. The faculty will elect four representatives from faculty members funded primarily by teaching or research lines and two from Extension Specialists. The Secretary will conduct the election within 30 days of the announcement of the vacancy, and the election will be conducted as specified in IV.A.1.c.
      2. The Board of Managers will designate two representative members.
      3. The SEBS Governing Council will designate one student representative.
      4. The State Board of Agriculture will designate one representative member.
      5. The Rutgers Alumni Association will designate one representative from the branch associated with SEBS.
      6. The University President may designate additional members.
      The names of the nominees will be forwarded to the New Brunswick Chancellor, who will, in turn, report to the University President.


  1. Structure and Operation of Committees
    Except for the Department Chairs Council, Committee for Centers and Institutes and as otherwise specified in these bylaws for specific committees of the faculty, the following general rules shall govern.
    1. Membership of Committees
      1. Unless otherwise noted, there shall be two appointed and two elected faculty members funded primarily by teaching or research lines and one elected and one appointed Extension Specialist. Only one person may be appointed from any given department.
      2. Candidates for elected membership shall be voting members of the faculty. Such candidates shall be nominated by the Department Chairs Council or by written petition containing a statement certifying agreement of the nominee to serve, if elected, and signed by at least five voting members of the faculty. The names of all candidates shall be reported to the Secretary of the Faculty, who shall conduct all faculty elections.
      3. Appointed members of the faculty committees shall be appointed by the Executive Dean from among the voting members of the faculty unless otherwise indicated.
      4. Ex officio members, where such members are specified, normally shall not have voting rights. The Executive Dean or designee shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the Appointments and Promotions Committee. The Executive Dean shall be a voting member of the Department Chairs Council and the Committee for Centers and Institutes.
      5. Student members, where such members are specified, shall be students in the School, shall have voting rights in the committee, and can represent the committee before the faculty. They shall not have access to confidential faculty or student records. They shall be elected in accordance with procedures specified by the SEBS Governing Council.
    2. Officers
      All standing committees shall be appointed prior to July 1. Committee structure shall consist of a chair, a vice chair, and a secretary.
    3. Terms of Office
      1. The normal term of membership shall be three years, unless otherwise specified, whether elected or appointed. Terms shall be staggered.
      2. Vacancies in the elected membership shall be filled temporarily by the Executive Dean or designee until the incumbent is able to resume his/her duties or until the next election; the person with the next highest number of votes at the previous election shall be requested to fill the vacancy. If that person cannot serve, the chair of the standing committee shall be empowered to appoint a member of the faculty or a student eligible to serve according to the requirements of these bylaws. No elected or appointed member's terminal date of office shall be altered or extended as a result of absence from the committee.
      3. Regular elections shall take place in the spring of each year. The term of all standing committees will be from July 1 through June 30 of each year.
    4. Meetings
      1. The committee shall convene its first meeting of the year before the first Faculty Meeting. The Secretary of the Faculty shall name a committee member to act as convener for each committee with the announcement of election results.
      2. The committee shall meet at least once per semester and as often as needed.
      3. Officers of the committee shall be elected at the committee's first meeting.
      4. Committee meetings may be held in person, by teleconference or equivalent.
    5. Quorum
      A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members eligible to vote on a committee, unless that committee establishes a different quorum and registers it with the Secretary of the Faculty and the Chair of the Structure and Governance Committee.
    6. Records
      Staff support will be provided to assist each standing committee by the Office of the Dean of Academic Programs. The records of each committee shall be filed in the Office of the Executive Dean at the end of each academic year and shall be kept for a period of not less than three years. Records of the Committee on Appointments and Promotions and the Committee of Review shall be confidential and shall be kept only for the use of the Executive Dean and the respective committees. None shall remain in the hands of committee members. Records of all other committees shall be available to members of the faculty.
    7. Reporting
      1. The Appointments and Promotions Committee and the Committee of Review are advisory to the Executive Dean. All other committees shall report to the faculty and to the Executive Dean. All committees shall report to the Structure and Governance Committee any recommendations for changes in the bylaws concerning their organization or function.
      2. Each committee shall report its activities to the faculty meeting at least once each academic semester.
  2. Committees of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
    1. Department Chairs Council
      1. Membership: Department Chairs. Ex officio members: Executive Dean, Dean of Academic Programs, the Senior Associate Dean of Finance and Administration, the Director, Human Resources, Office of Human Resources, Associate Dean, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and at the discretion of the Executive Dean, associate deans, and other programmatic leads.
      2. Officers: A Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary shall be elected from the voting membership, excluding the Executive Dean.
      3. The chair of the Chairs Council shall convene meetings at least twice each semester. The Chairs Council shall hold at least one joint meeting with the Committee for Centers and Institutes each semester.
      4. Responsibilities:
        1. To provide advice to the Executive Dean and, at the discretion of the Executive Dean, other vice and associate deans on relevant topics.
        2. To provide a forum for discussion of School issues that impact departments;
        3. To provide a forum for discussion with University entities;
        4. To establish program priorities in the area of faculty line assignments, teaching, research, and extension in relation to resources to be allocated to the School.
        5. Membership and nominating responsibilities: To nominate to the faculty through the Secretary of the Faculty the members of standing committees as required in these bylaws, and to nominate appropriate members of other Schools for membership in the School faculty.
        6. To conduct an annual review of the organization and function of the Office of the Executive Dean. The Executive Dean will submit a report describing the current organization of the Office of the Executive Dean, plans for future change, and a self-evaluation of its current structure and function. The committee will structure the performance review to provide constructive feedback on the organization and function of the Office of the Executive Dean. Upon completion of the review, the committee will meet with the Executive Dean to discuss the review.
        7. Receive Office of the Executive Dean's yearly report to the School faculty, Annual Analysis of Faculty Demographics, including an analysis of women and minorities in relation to rank, tenure, and promotions.
    2. Committee for Centers and Institutes
      1. Membership: Directors of centers, institutes, and administrative units. Ex officio members: Chair and Vice Chair of the Department Chairs Council, the Senior Associate Dean of Finance and Administration, the Director, Human Resources, Office of Human Resources, Dean of Research and Graduate Studies and, at the discretion of the Executive Dean, other associate deans and directors.
      2. Officers: A Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary shall be elected from the voting membership, excluding the Executive Dean and those who serve ex officio.
      3. The chair of the Committee shall convene meetings at least once each semester. The Committee shall hold at least one joint meeting with the Department Chairs Council each semester.
      4. Responsibilities: To discuss and make recommendations to the Executive Dean on relevant topics including staffing, developing and maintaining research, educational and outreach infrastructure, and the coordination of interactions of the units.
    3. Advisory Committee on Appointment and Promotions
      1. Membership: There shall be nine members appointed by the Executive Dean: six faculty members funded primarily from teaching or research lines and three primarily funded by Cooperative Extension.
      2. Term of Office: Three years with staggered terms so that three members are appointed each year.
      3. Participation: Committee members may not participate in the discussion and subsequent vote for candidates that are in their own department.
      4. Responsibilities:
        1. To advise the Executive Dean and other administrative officers on appointments, reappointments, and promotions of faculty members, and on personnel matters in general.
        2. To advise the Executive Dean on all new tenure appointments, applying the same standards as those established for promotions to the rank proposed.
    4. Committee of Review
      The Committee of Review is constituted as follows, per University Policy 50.1.9:
      There shall also be a Committee of Review in each legislative body, not to exceed four members, except that in Cook College [now SEBS] the number of members shall not exceed six. Membership on this committee shall be open only to persons on indefinite tenure. The legislative body shall annually elect one or more members as may be determined by the legislative body, and the Dean of the college or school shall appoint an equal number. This committee shall have advisory powers only. It may report to the Dean of the college or school, or the provost, or the President, or the Governors, and may in its discretion make reports also for the information of the legislative body. The duties of the committee shall be to counsel and advise any member of the legislative body who seeks such advice with respect to any problem affecting his or her status as a member of the University. The committee may also on its own initiative make suggestions as to personnel matters to the administrative officers.
      1. The Dean shall appoint three members and the faculty shall elect three members to serve on the Committee of Review for two-year terms.
    5. SEBS Planning and Infrastructure Committee
      1. Membership: There shall be a total of six faculty members which shall include: four elected (three faculty that are primarily funded from teaching or research lines and one faculty that are primarily funded by Cooperative Extension) and two appointed by the Executive Dean. Only one faculty member from any given department may serve on this committee. Up to two students may also serve, should the SEBS Governing Council choose to appoint them.
      2. b. Term of Office: For faculty members, three years, with staggered terms so that two members are chosen each year, whether by election or appointment. Student members shall serve for one year. All members may succeed themselves.
      3. Officers: A Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary shall be elected from the voting membership, excluding the Executive Dean.
      4. A quorum shall consist of four members.
      5. Responsibilities:
        1. To advise the Executive Dean on funding and resource allocation recommendations for the current budget and suggested future strategies.
        2. To advise the Senior Associate Dean of Finance and Administration and the faculty on needs, plans and/or proposals that impact the infrastructure as it pertains to the environmental and educational quality of the Cook Campus.
        3. To select a sub-committee to serve in an oversight role for relevant issues affecting the library.
        4. To define both long-term and short-term academic goals for the School.
        5. To develop and review long-range strategic plans (three to five years) in the areas listed above.
    6. Structure and Governance Committee
      1. Membership: In addition to regular membership, the Secretary of the Faculty shall be a voting member.
      2. Responsibilities:
        1. To act as the bylaws committee for the School.
        2. To annually review and recommend changes in the bylaws.
        3. To receive and review recommendations from the faculty for changes in the bylaws.
        4. To supervise the preparation of a current edition of the bylaws for periodic distribution to the members of the faculty.
        5. To interpret the bylaws in cases where they may be found to be ambiguous or incomplete.
        6. To provide temporary rules as required during the implementation or amendment of new bylaws.
        7. To review departmental bylaws or amendments to existing departmental bylaws for compliance with School bylaws; department bylaws with any amendments shall be filed with the Secretary of the Faculty and the Executive Dean.
    7. International Programs Committee
      1. Membership: Five or more faculty members appointed by the Executive Dean.
      2. Term of Office: Staggered, two-year terms.
      3. Responsibilities: To advise the Executive Dean and the Director of Global Engagement on appropriate School/NJAES-wide international activities. Further duties include:
        1. To advise the Dean of International Programs on establishing, maintaining, and enhancing the School's character as a place for international studies and community in areas of its scholarship.
        2. To provide faculty leadership in creating strong connections between international programs and corporate, public, educational, and other appropriate constituencies and stakeholders.
    8. Diversity, Communication, and Philanthropy Committee
      1. Membership: there shall be three elected faculty members and three faculty members appointed by the Executive Dean. The Dean of Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion shall be Ex officio member. Term of Office for faculty members shall be three years.
      2. The committee shall be responsible for establishing priorities for:
        1. Diversity and campus climate in conjunction with the Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the SEBS Governing Council,
        2. Student recruitment in conjunction with the Dean of Academic Programs,
        3. Communication of SEBS identity in conjunction with the Senior Director, Office of Public Outreach and Communication,
        4. The promotion of positive alumni relations in conjunction with the Manager, Office of Alumni and Community Engagement, and
        5. Philanthropy and development in conjunction with the Senior Director of Development.
    9. Non-Tenure Track Professional Development and Mentoring Committee
      1. Membership: There shall be a total of six non-tenure track (NTT) faculty members from SEBS on the NTT Professional Development and Mentoring Committee. Faculty members shall include: four members elected by the faculty and two individuals appointed by the Dean of Academic Programs. Ex officio members: Dean of Academic Programs and Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Term of Office: Staggered, two-year offset.
      2. Term of Office: Three years. All members may succeed themselves.
      3. Officers: A Chair and Vice Chair will be appointed by the committee once the committee members have been elected.
      4. A quorum shall consist of four members.
      5. Responsibilities:
        1. The committee serves as an advisory group to other NTT faculty and the Dean of Academic Programs in regard to professional development activities.
        2. Promote professional development activities at the school and university.
        3. Create and manage an organized network of NTT faculty mentors across all NTT ranks.
        4. Match mentors and mentees to foster career development and professional growth.
        5. Respond to the needs of NTTs across all ranks for networking and professional development opportunities.
        6. Promote the policies set forward by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  3. Academic Programs and Research Committees
    Membership shall include the School faculty as listed in II.B. Where student members are specified, they shall be elected by students according to procedures specified by the SEBS Governing Council, in consultation with the Dean of Academic Programs. Students serve one-year terms. The Chair of each committee shall be elected by the voting members of the committee without regard to whether that person was elected or appointed.

    The Dean of Academic Programs shall be an ex officio member of each committee, in addition to one associate or assistant dean who shall serve as staff support for the committee.

    All committees shall report to the Faculty Meeting and to the Dean of Academic Programs as appropriate, but not less than once during each academic year.
    1. Scholastic Standing and Admissions Committee
      1. a. Membership: Six elected faculty members.
      2. Responsibilities:
        1. To consider and report to the Faculty Meeting any proposed changes in admission requirements or procedures in the School, provided they conform to the minimum requirements approved by the University Senate for admission to all schools in the University. Upon approval of the Faculty, to make policy recommendations to the University Committee on Admissions.
        2. To review and act on requests for waiver or substitution of School and curriculum requirements and academic policies.
        3. To review the records of students rated deficient in their work and whose weighted numerical average to date does not meet appropriate standards established by the Faculty. The committee shall take appropriate action in each case and report its action to the Faculty.
        4. To ensure an effective program of student advising.
        5. To consider general problems relating to grades, grading, and other pertinent matters brought to its attention by the Dean of Academic Programs or members of the Faculty.
        6. To advise the Dean of Academic Programs on enrollment at the School and target enrollment goals, and student composition to meet School goals.
    2. Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee
      1. Membership: The Committee shall be composed of the School Undergraduate Program Directors, the Dean of Academic Programs or designee, and the Director of Global Engagement.
      2. Responsibilities: To consider the undergraduate curricula of the School as a whole in relation to the objectives of the School. Furthermore:
        1. To consider, approve and provide guidance to faculty on all proposals for new undergraduate courses, changes in content of courses, and requests for all curricula brought before it. To provide oversight to the Student to Professional Internship Network (SPIN) Program. Proposals for the consideration of the committee may come from Department Chairs, Undergraduate Program Directors, the Dean of Academic Programs, the Executive Dean, or University administration. Recommendations from the Committee regarding changes to curricular programs shall be presented to the SEBS faculty for final approval at the faculty's next scheduled meeting.
        2. To serve in an advisory capacity to the Dean of Academic Programs in matters pertaining to educational policy, to receive and review educational policy proposals originating with the faculty and/or students, and to assume the initiative in bringing such proposals to the Faculty with its recommendations.
    3. Instructional Assessment Committee
      1. Membership: There shall be four elected faculty members and four faculty members appointed by the Dean of Academic Programs.
      2. Term of Office for faculty members shall be three years, with two new members each year and with the privilege of successive terms.
      3. Responsibilities:
        1. To review on an annual basis the instructional assessment plans of all SEBS undergraduate programs.
        2. To evaluate the results of instructional assessments of SEBS undergraduate programs as they occur and compile them into an annual report to the Dean of Academic Programs.
        3. To assist the Dean of Academic Programs in conducting the annual Celebration of Excellence Awards and to advise the Dean of Academic Programs of possible candidates for additional teaching honors and awards sponsored by the university as well as by state and national professional associations.
    4. Financial Aid Committee
      1. Membership: There shall be eight faculty members appointed by the Dean of Academic Programs.
      2. Term of Office shall be four years with the privilege of successive terms, with two members appointed each year.
      3. Responsibilities: To review on a continuing basis the policies under which scholarship funds and other forms of student aid are administered, and to examine applications for all forms of financial aid and to recommend awards.
    5. George H. Cook Honors Committee
      1. Membership: There shall be five elected faculty members, five appointed faculty members, four student members, and ex officio, the Director, George H. Cook Scholars Program. The Dean of Academic Programs may appoint additional adjunct members for a one-year term upon recommendation of the Committee.
      2. Term of Office shall be five years for faculty members, with the privilege of successive terms, with one to be elected and one to be appointed each year.
      3. Responsibilities: To review and administer the George H. Cook Scholars Program for the faculty and to search for new ways of encouraging and rewarding superior scholarship.
    6. General Honors Program Committee
      1. Membership: There shall be six faculty members appointed by the Dean of Academic Programs with three appointed each year, and ex officio, the SEBS Director of General Honors Programs.
      2. Term of Office shall be three years, staggered, with the privilege of successive terms.
      3. Responsibilities: This committee ensures the implementation of the SEBS General (Four-Year) Honors Program as described in the catalog and as mandated by the University.
  4. Ad Hoc Committees
    1. To further the work of the faculty, the Executive Dean may create ad hoc committees.
    2. Ten voting members of the faculty may present a request for an ad hoc committee to any meeting of the faculty. Endorsement by majority vote of faculty present at the meeting is required for formation of such a committee.
    3. Members shall be appointed by the Executive Dean for the life of the committee.
    4. After three years such a committee shall either be established as a standing committee or be disbanded.
  5. University Senate Representatives
    1. The number of elected representatives from the School is determined by University regulations. The number of representatives will maintain the balance of faculty representation as in IV.A.1.a. Any remaining number of Senate positions beyond the number that can be divided by three shall be elected at large with nominees from each of the areas, in the same two to one proportion.
    2. Term of Office shall be three years with privilege of successive nominations.
    3. Responsibilities:
      1. To serve as representatives of the School in establishing such university policies as are the function of the Senate.
      2. To assure that the unique interests of the School are appropriately represented to the Senate and its committees.
  6. SEBS Governing Council Representatives
    1. The number of faculty representatives is determined by the bylaws of the SEBS Governing Council.
    2. Term of Office shall be one year.
    3. Responsibilities: To serve as representatives of the School faculty and participate with the student representatives in fulfilling the purposes of the SEBS Governing Council as stated in its Constitution.
  7. New Brunswick Faculty Council Representatives
    1. Number of Representatives: Faculty members are represented according to department. Each department of at least 15 members (including Extension departments) shall elect one representative. Departments of fewer than 15 members will share representation as per the bylaws of the New Brunswick Faculty Council.
    2. Term of Office shall be three years.
    3. Responsibilities:
      1. To serve as representatives of the School faculty and participate in the New Brunswick Faculty Council.
      2. To report to the faculty on a regular basis regarding this council.
      3. To interact with standing or ad hoc committees of the School as needed to facilitate the functioning of those committees with respect to the University.


A list of the current undergraduate curricula in the School may be obtained from the Office of Academic Programs and Research.

  1. Curriculum Group Membership

    Those faculty members who teach one or more of the undergraduate courses offered in a curriculum of the School, or who are advisors within the curriculum, including those who do not have the majority of their appointment at the School, are members of that major program curriculum group. Faculty members may belong to more than one curriculum group.
  2. Meetings

    Meetings of the curriculum group are called by the Undergraduate Program Director as necessary, but at least one meeting should be called each academic year.
  3. Undergraduate Program Director

    The Undergraduate Program Director is responsible for the supervision, operations, and academic quality of the undergraduate programs in their curriculum, for keeping the appropriate Department Chair(s) informed about all aspects of the undergraduate programs of study, and to serve on the CEP.
    1. Selection
      1. In those instances in which program requirements are wholly or largely delivered by the faculty of a single department, the Department Chair, in consultation with the faculty, recommends to the Dean of Academic Programs the appointment of an Undergraduate Program Director. At the discretion of the Department Chair, this individual may also serve as Vice Chair.
      2. In those instances in which the program requirements are delivered by faculty from two or more departments, the curriculum faculty shall by ballot nominate one member to the Dean of Academic Programs to serve as Undergraduate Program Director. The Dean of Academic Programs will consult with the appropriate department chairs prior to making the appointment.
    2. Term of Office shall be three years, with the privilege of successive terms. The incumbent may be reappointed after consultation with the faculty, as outlined in section V.C.1.a.
    3. Responsibilities: The Undergraduate Program Director is responsible, in consultation with the department chair(s) and faculty, for facilitating the offerings of the academic programs. The department chair(s), however, have the ultimate responsibility for the allocation of resources and faculty assignments. Specific responsibilities of the Undergraduate Program Director include the following:
      1. To represent the curriculum to and matriculated students participating in School-or University-wide advising and recruitment events.
      2. To advise prospective students, admit students into the curriculum and serve as an advisor, assign and support faculty advisers, review senior evaluations and transcripts to verify requirement satisfaction, and recommend variances from curriculum requirements.
      3. Manage curricular Experiential Learning requirements.
      4. To convene the curriculum faculty or committee to review and update the curriculum.
      5. Serve on the Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee.
      6. To work with the department chair(s) in the assignment of faculty teaching loads.
      7. To share with the department chair(s) the responsibility for course and curriculum quality.
      8. In consultation with the department chair(s), to schedule course meeting times and complete course construction sheets.
      9. To advise the department chair(s) of the budgetary and staffing needs of the curriculum.
      10. To participate in the recruitment of new faculty for the undergraduate program, to assist in the development of a job description and participating in the search process.
      11. To participate in the evaluation of teaching effectiveness and provide input to the reappointment/promotion process. Follow guidance from the Instructional Assessment Committee, maintain the programmatic website and provide program assessment reports yearly and core curriculum assessment every three years.
      12. To gather student views on program content and operations and communicate findings to appropriate faculty groups and School administrators.


Proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be submitted to the Structure and Governance Committee. After consideration and evaluation by the Committee, amendments shall be circulated as specified for resolutions in sections II.D.5 prior of two faculty meetings. The first meeting for information and debate, and the second for any further debate and voting. A two-thirds majority at a regular or special meeting shall be required for approval.

  • Cook College Bylaws Adopted December 12, 1984
    • Amended March 25, 1987 and December 17, 1987
    • Amended April 23, 1990
    • Amended April 26, 1991
    • Corrected, updated and revised October 1993 (Rules of Procedure Committee)
    • Amended December 16, 1993
    • Amended March 16, 1994 Amended September 19, 1994
    • Amended September 27, 1995
    • Amended December 12, 1995
    • Amended September 24, 1997
    • Amended December 4, 1997
    • Amended April 30, 1998
    • Amended September 23, 1998
    • Amended May 2003
  • School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Bylaws Adopted May 6, 2008
    • Amended May 3, 2016, effective July 1, 2016
    • Amended May 3, 2017, effective July 1, 2017
    • Amended May 8, 2024, effective July 1, 2024