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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Pre-Senior Worksheet Review Process

Due Date: March 14, 2025

Students in the graduating Class of 2026 complete the Pre-Senior Worksheet process in the spring of junior year to ensure that they are making good progress toward graduation in 2026. The purpose of the Pre-Senior Worksheet is to have the student and their major advisor discuss their progress, create a plan for senior year classes, and confirm that all degree information is accurately displaying in Degree Navigator.

The Pre-Senior Worksheet must be completed with your major advisor and submitted by March 14, 2025, or Fall 2025 registration will be blocked.

Instructions for Completing Your Pre-Senior Worksheet

  1. Review your Rutgers transcript and use Rutgers Degree Navigator to check your requirements. Make sure you access your combined program in Degree Navigator in the portion that lists "All (or Final) Degree Requirements". Review Instructions for using Degree Navigator.
  2. Check carefully that DN accurately reflects your remaining coursework. Any course substitutions or waivers that do not show up on DN must be listed on the Pre-Senior Worksheet. Change any inaccurate majors/minors/options at
  3. Meet with your major advisor to review your progress and the worksheet. Ask questions about your remaining requirements and graduation planning. Your advisor will submit your worksheet online, noting any issues for the major or SEBS Core. Find contact information for your advisor here.
  4. Any adjustments to Degree Navigator will be updated prior to Fall 2025 registration.
  5. If you have any additional questions, particularly about your Core requirements or degree credits for graduation, please make an appointment with an Academic Programs advisor via phone (848-932-3000, ext. 2) online chat, or email (

This process is critical to ensure a smooth senior year and graduation. It is your responsibility to make sure that courses you intend to take will be offered and will fill your requirements.

Special Notes

  • A minimum of 120 credits are required to graduate (128 credits for students following the Fall 2015 or earlier SEBS Core). Credits for repeated courses with a passing grade cannot be counted twice. If credit totals in Degree Navigator do not agree with your Rutgers transcript, check for duplicate coursework or see an advisor at Academic Programs. "E" credit courses do NOT count toward Degree credits.
  • To declare Biological Sciences, Public Health, or Exercise Science, you must meet departmental requirements.
  • You can make changes to your graduation date, your major, and minor/certificate programs at
  • You may participate in the May 2026 ceremonies if you have 12 or fewer credits that will be completed in Summer Session 2026. You must complete your Pre-Senior Worksheet and change your graduation date to August 2026 at the link directly above.
  • 30 of your last 42 credits must be completed at Rutgers University.