Transfer Course Preapproval Process
Transferring Credits from Courses Taken Outside Rutgers–New Brunswick
Current SEBS students planning to complete a course at Rutgers–Camden, Rutgers–Newark, or any other outside institution should follow this procedure prior to registering for the course:
- Review information for the institution at which you plan to take the course, including course number, course name, number of credits, dates. If the course is taught at any college other than a NJ Community college, this is a good opportunity to find syllabus/course description.
- Submit a Transfer Course Preapproval Form.
- For NJ community colleges, use the site to review general course information. You must complete a Transfer Preapproval application to ensure the course(s) will transfer appropriately.
- After your approved class ends, contact that school's transcripts office to request sending an official transcript to the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (88 Lipman Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8525). NJ Community colleges routinely send electronic copies of the transcript to the Rutgers Office of Undergraduate Admissions, so students should email or call 848-932-3000 to confirm receipt of the transcript. Students attending other schools may have the Transcript Office forward an official transcript to Hand-delivered transcripts must be in their original, sealed envelope.
Special Procedures for Math Courses
For math courses to be taken at other four-year institutions (not including Rutgers-Camden and Rutgers-Newark) or at two-year institutions outside New Jersey, complete the Transfer Credit Application for Mathematics Courses Form.
For math courses to be taken at New Jersey community colleges, Rutgers-Newark, and Rutgers-Camden, use the Transfer Course Preapproval Form.
Transfer Policies
- Appropriate prerequisites and/or placement must be completed for requested course(s) to transfer.
- Credits for grades of "C" (2.000) or better (in approved courses) are transferable; courses with grades below C (2.000) will not transfer.
- Grades earned at other institutions DO NOT transfer into your cumulative average.
- If a Rutgers course with a grade of "D" is repeated as transfer credit (outside of RU) the RU credit will be deleted but the RU grade will remain in the GPA by the application of a K prefix.
- Thirty of the last 42 credits required for a degree must be taken at Rutgers University. Students who have received the maximum number of transfer credit (60 credits—Community College; 90 credits—Four-Year School) based on last full-time school attended, are not be eligible to complete additional course work outside of Rutgers University.
- Student who no longer have an active RUID and password may still request external courses by emailing
Course Equivalents
For NJ community colleges, students may use the site to determine course equivalents.
For all other institutions, students who seek course equivalents should submit a copy of the course syllabus through the transfer preapproval system for faculty review.
General Biology at Rutgers–Newark (21:120:101-102) is NOT equivalent to General Biology–New Brunswick General Biology (01:119:101-102 or 01:119:115-116).
Transfer Restrictions
- Students may earn a maximum of 13 credits in summer session across all institutions.
- Students may earn a maximum of 3 credits in winter session across all institutions.
- The Repeated Course Policy DOES NOT APPLY to courses completed at other institutions.
- Transfer Course Approvals pertain only to SEBS. These courses/evaluations may be declined by other schools if a student transfers.
- Approved Economics, English, Chemistry, Geography, Psychology, and Exercise Science courses must meet for a minimum number of weeks, per the department.
- Approved Mathematics and Biology courses must meet for at least five (5) weeks.
- Both General Biology – 01:119:101 AND 102, or 01:119:115 AND 116, must be completed at the same institution. General Biology at Rutgers–Newark (21:120:101-102) is NOT equivalent to General Biology–New Brunswick General Biology (01:119:101-102 or 01:119:115-116).
- Both semesters of Organic Chemistry, 01:160:307-308, if approved, must be completed at the same school.