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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Rutgers School-to-School Transfers

The School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS) welcomes applications for admission from students currently enrolled at other Rutgers University schools. The School-to-School transfer application is available at

Accordion Content

    • Students must have completed a minimum of 12 credits at Rutgers University by the end of the current semester.
    • Admission will be based upon an evaluation of not only the applicant's academic overall performance but also course work related to the student's intended major by the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Admissions and Scholastic Standing Committee.
    • Students must remain in good academic standing at their current school and/or must have a minimum  2.0 cumulative GPA from a Rutgers–New Brunswick school or a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA from Rutgers–Camden or Rutgers–Newark, and satisfactorily complete the current semester. Exceptions to this policy may be possible—send a detailed appeal to
    • Students must pursue a major offered by the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences.
    • Students must indicate on their application if they are currently under review for disciplinary action.
    • School to School transfer is only for students seeking their first bachelor's degree.
    • Math: All Rutgers–New Brunswick students must have completed Intermediate Algebra (01:640:026) or an acceptable equivalent course with a grade of "C" or better by the end of the semester in which they are applying. Rutgers–Newark students must have completed Pre-calculus 21:640:114 with a grade of "C" or better and Rutgers–Camden students must have completed Pre-calculus 50:640:115 with a grade of "C" or better by the end of the semester in which they are applying.
    • Writing: All Rutgers-New Brunswick students must have completed Expository Writing, 01:355:101 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or better by the end of the semester in which they are applying. Rutgers-Newark applicants must have completed both English Composition 21:355:101 and 21:355:102 with a grade of "C" or better in each course by the end of the semester in which they are applying. Rutgers-Camden applicants must have completed both English Composition 50:350:101 and 50:350:102 with a grade of "C" or better in each course by the end of the semester in which they are applying.
    • Students are limited to submission of application to only one school per semester.
    • 30 of the last 42 credits for graduation must be completed at Rutgers University-New Brunswick.
    • Admitted students must complete a minimum of one full-time semester as a SEBS student before being eligible to graduate. Non-traditional students should contact the Office of Academic Programs at with any questions regarding this requirement.
    • Students must adhere to all SEBS and Rutgers University–New Brunswick policies and procedures.
    • Students transferring to SEBS from Rutgers University–Newark and Rutgers University–Camden will have their prior curriculum evaluated in order to determine core curriculum applicability.
    • All coursework, including previously accepted transfer credit, will be re-evaluated and adjusted in accordance with SEBS policies.
    • All courses must be completed with a final grade. No TF, TZ, MG, NG or INC grades. Temporary and blank grades will be re-calculated into the student's GPA as F grades when considering admission.
  • Please note that some Rutgers Scholarships and Awards will not transfer. For questions regarding scholarships, please contact Dean Joseph Ventola at or 848-932-3000.

    • University Registrar will automatically forward the applicant's Rutgers University academic transcript to the school upon submission of the online application.
    • Applicants must submit official transcripts for all courses completed outside Rutgers University.
    • Applicants should review SEBS graduation requirements prior to submitting an application.
    • Applicants should also consult Degree Navigator. Use the "Search Programs" option to search for SEBS major and Core requirements.
    • Students applying for admission to the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences must submit the school-to-school transfer online application by December 10 for spring admission and by June 1 for fall admission.
    • Applicants will receive notification of their admissions decision via email on or before January 14 for spring admission and by June 30 for fall admission.
    • Any admission conditions will be noted in the notification message to admitted students.
    • Admissions letters will identify a student's academic advisor and curriculum codes. Students should schedule an appointment with their advisor to discuss their academic program. Questions relating to the SEBS Core or academic policies and procedures should be directed to the Office of Academic Programs at Martin Hall, Room 109.
    • By submitting an application, a student declares his/her intention to enroll at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences for the upcoming semester. The dean's office will notify the University Registrar to change the student's school of registration to the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (school code 11). If a student does not indicate their decision to accept or decline the admission to SEBS, the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences reserves the right to switch the student to SEBS (school code 11) or to deny the application.
    • Prior to a decision, an applicant may withdraw his/her application by visiting the status screen and clicking on "Withdraw My Application."
    • After admission if an admitted student chooses not to enroll at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, he/she must select the "Decline Transfer" button displayed in their admission email. If a student initially accepts admission and then chooses to decline the transfer, he/she must contact the Office of Academic Programs immediately at

Additional Resources

Student Accounting Services/Financial Aid

Students should contact Student Accounting Services at 848-932-2254 and Financial Aid at 848-932-7057 (if applicable) to determine if there will be changes in the term bill or financial aid as a result of the transfer.

University Housing

Students may contact the Residence Life Assignment Office at 848-445-0750 to inquire about housing opportunities at the school for the upcoming semester. Housing accommodations are assigned to school-to-school transfers on a space-available basis and not guaranteed.

Accommodations under ADA/Section 504

Newark/Camden applicants who are currently receiving accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Services office in New Brunswick at 848-445-6800 or to facilitate uninterrupted accommodations.

School Contact

Office of Academic Programs
Martin Hall, Room 109
88 Lipman Drive
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8525
