SEBS Scholarship Recommendation Form
- Recommendation form can only be used for the Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Scholarship Application 2025–2026.
- You can ask a Rutgers staff/faculty to complete and submit a short recommendation letter or a recommendation form (not mandatory). Once the recommendation letter/form is complete, ONLY the staff/faculty member is permitted to email the letter/form. It is your responsibility to follow-up with your recommender to ensure timely submission.
- Either this recommendation form or a short recommendation letter addressed to the SEBS Faculty Financial Aid/Scholarship Committee is sufficient. A recommendation in not mandatory but can be helpful to your scholarship application.
- Do not submit multiple recommendations. One recommendation form or short recommendation letter from a Rutgers faculty or staff is acceptable. Recommendations from former high school teachers and administrators are not permitted.
- Helpful information regarding recommendation process:
- A recommendation is not required. Do not ask any Rutgers faculty or staff member just for the sake of having a recommendation. Your application is complete without a recommendation.
- Ask a Rutgers faculty or staff member who is familiar with your accomplishments in order for your recommendation to enhance your scholarship application.
- Provide sufficient time for an individual to complete a recommendation before the application deadline.
- Student applicants should provide name, class year, major, and RU ID to the faculty or staff. Rutgers faculty or staff can download the SEBS Scholarship Recommendation Form and submit it or a short recommendation letter to by Friday, Extended Deadline April 11, 2025.