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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Core Facility

The SEBS Core Facility, located in Foran Hall on the George H. Cook Campus, provides bio-imaging, bio-molecular interaction analysis, protein and nucleic acid detection and quantification, flow cytometry, and high-throughput screening instrumentation to the Rutgers research community. 

The primary function of the SEBS Core Facility is to provide researchers access to well-maintained, specialized equipment that is cost prohibitive for most single laboratories to purchase.

A secondary function that has been borne out of years of molecular biology and biochemistry experience is that we act as an “in-house consultant” for experimental trouble shooting and assay development. We have continually stressed to our users that we are more than just instruments and that they can utilize our broad knowledge base to aid in their research.

In addition to instrument use and training, we teach a hands-on short course on real time PCR and a 3-credit course on Advanced Technologies in Biosciences for graduate and undergraduate students with the equipment available at the Core Facility.

The Core Facility equipment includes:

  • StepOnePlus qRT-PCR instrument
  • Zeiss LSM710 confocal microscope
  • EVOS M5000 microscope
  • ONI NanoImager microscope
  • Biacore 8K+ SPR instrument
  • BD/Accuri C6+ Flow Cytometer
  • Li-COR Odyssey CLx Imager


Instrument Rutgers/Academic Industry Bulk Package
Unassisted Assisted Unassisted Assisted Rutgers/Academic Industry
StepOnePlus $20/run N/A $40/run N/A N/A N/A
Zeiss LSM710 $60/hr $120/hr $120/hr $240/hr $1200/40hr; $2400/100hr $2400/40hr; $4800/100hr
EVOS M5000 $0 $0 N/A N/A N/A N/A
ONI Nanoimager $100/hr N/A $200/hr N/A N/A N/A
Biacore 8K+ $100/hr $200/hr $200/hr $400/hr $2000/40hr $4000/40hr
BD/Accuri C6+ $30/hr $60/hr $60/hr $120/hr N/A N/A
Li-COR Odyssey $15/hr N/A $30/hr N/A N/A N/A

Registered users can find more detailed information on our iLab site. Interested users not registered with iLab can contact Michael Pierce at with any questions. We’re here to help.