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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

NJAES Board of Managers

Upcoming Meetings

Board Members

Atlantic County: John Vannini

Bergen County: James Spollen

Burlington County: James Specca

Camden County: Neil Pastore, Corresponding Secretary

Cape May County: Jerry Futrell

Cumberland County: Timothy Eachus

Essex County: Frank Yesalavich, Vice President

Gloucester County: Ann Dorsett

Hudson County: Jill Koproski

Hunterdon County: Jeffrey Spencer

Mercer County: James Klett

Middlesex County: Timothy VonThun

Monmouth County: Pat Butch, President

Morris County: Carol Davis

Ocean County: Brick Wenzel

Passaic County: Harry (Skip) Bartlett

Salem County: Dave Dolbow

Somerset County: Kenneth Osterman

Sussex County: Ben Jorritsma

Union County: Frederick Schieferstein

Warren County: Tracy Smith

Statewide Advisory Committee

Biotechnology: vacant

Community Resources: vacant

Environment: Gene Huntington

Food Science: vacant

Marine Science: vacant

Public Policy: Maurice Sheets

Ex Officio

President, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey: Jonathan S. Holloway

Executive Director, NJAES: Laura Lawson

New Jersey Secretary of Agriculture: Edward D. Wengryn


Recording Secretary: vacant